To promote the use of our harmonized protocol using automatic segmentation, we want to ensure that our atlas set is as representative as possible, and for this we need your help. After initial procurement of cases for the atlas set (older adults and patients with MCI or Alzheimer’s disease), there are some remaining demographic gaps where we would appreciate your help!
Note that if you share the data with the HSG, this data will be anonymized and shared internally within our community for the purposes of protocol development, and they will be included in a publicly available atlas set for automated segmentation (this means that the images will be made available/freely downloadable for non-commercial purposes by anyone in the world).
Details on the types of scans we are looking for are listed below.
If you have scans that fit these descriptions, please reach out to us.
Specifications required:
- Scan type: T2-weighted (e.g. turbo spin echo or similar) anisotropic 3-Tesla scans acquired perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus, along with corresponding T1-weighted 1mm isotropic scans.
- Coronal in-plane resolution: approximately 0.4mm*0.4mm
- Slice thickness: Maximum of 3mm.
- Coverage: Scans that cover as much as possible anterior to the hippocampus, preferably up to or close to the temporal pole.
- Scan quality: We accept scans of varying image quality but would preferentially be shared scans with whole or partial visibility of the stratum radiatum, lacunosum and moleculare (SRLM), across most or all slices.
Specific demographics requests:
- Middle-aged adults
- Children
- Patient cases with pathologies affecting the medial temporal lobe and hippocampus, not including Alzheimer’s disease.
Please reach out if you have any additional questions.