The HSG aims to develop a harmonized protocol for segmenting human hippocampal subfields on MRI, a process we have undertaken separately for the body, tail, and head of the hippocampus.
We are currently seeking your response to a questionnaire relating to the Hippocampal Subfield Group’s (HSG) segmentation protocol for the hippocampal tail. Your feedback will help to revise and improve a draft protocol for defining the boundaries of the hippocampal tail.
Responses to the questionnaire are requested by Monday, January 8, 2024. We anticipate that it will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire, as well as additional time as desired to review the supplemental materials. Check both your inbox and spam folders for the questionnaire link and zipped supplemental materials.
Reach out via email to be added to our mailing list if you have not yet received a link or with questions.